Current/Upcoming Projects

Self Muscle Massage Series

What: This series is designed to teach three separate soft tissue release techniques and how to apply these techniques to all of the major muscles groups of the body. This is a 15 part series starting in the legs and working it’s way up the back into the neck and shoulders.

What you need to get started: a foam roller and a tennis ball.

What you can expect in each installment: 1) anatomy review and specifically how to find the muscles on yourself, 2) the location of key area’s to work on for best results and which techniques to use, and 3) a video demonstration of these techniques.

The order: 1) Calf (gastroc, soleus, post tib), 2) Posterior Thigh (hamstrings), 3) Posterior Hip (Glutes, Piriformis, External Rotators), 4) Lateral Hip (Glute Med, TFL, ITB), 5) Anterior Hip (Psoas, Iliacus, Sartorious, Pectineus), 6 ) Quads, 7 ) Adductors, 8 ) Anterior/Lateral lower leg (anterior tib, peroneals, top of the foot), 9 ) Bottom of Foot (Plantar Fascia + big toe), 10 ) Low Back, 11 ) Mid-Back (thoracic spine), 12 ) Neck, 13 ) Shoulder (anterior, lateral and posterior), 14 ) Upper Arm (biceps and triceps), 15 ) Elbow/Forearm/Wrist.

To Catch up in the series: click here

Stretching Series

What: This series is designed to teach stretching protocols for each of the major muscle groups. Due to the flexibility variations present in athletes, each protocol will be presented with beginner, intermediate, and advanced options.

What you can expect in each installment: 1) pictures and detailed directions for each stretch and 2) guidance on how to progress through the beginner, intermediate, and advanced options.

The order: 1) Calf (gastroc, soleus, post tib), 2) Posterior Thigh (hamstrings), 3) Posterior Hip (Glutes, Piriformis, External Rotators), 4) Lateral Hip (Glute Med, TFL, ITB), 5) Anterior Hip (Psoas, Iliacus, Sartorious, Pectineus), 6 ) Quads, 7 ) Adductors, 8 ) Anterior/Lateral lower leg (anterior tib, peroneals, top of the foot), 9 ) Bottom of Foot (Plantar Fascia + big toe), 10 ) Low Back, 11 ) Mid-Back (thoracic spine), 12 ) Neck, 13 ) Shoulder (anterior, lateral and posterior), 14 ) Upper Arm (biceps and triceps), 15 ) Elbow/Forearm/Wrist.

This series is coming soon!

Future Series

Kinesio-Taping Series

What: This series will be dedicated to helping you understand the recovery benefits associated with kinesio-tape and more importantly how to incorporate it into your recovery.

What you’ll need to get started: kinesio-tape (KT-Tape, Kinesiotex, Rock tape are the most accessible)

What you can expect in each installment: 1) pictures and detailed instructions for tape application and 2) variations in the way it can be applied.

The order: 1) Calf (gastroc, soleus, post tib), 2) Posterior Thigh (hamstrings), 3) Posterior Hip (Glutes, Piriformis, External Rotators), 4) Lateral Hip (Glute Med, TFL, ITB), 5) Anterior Hip (Psoas, Iliacus, Sartorious, Pectineus), 6 ) Quads, 7 ) Adductors, 8 ) Anterior/Lateral lower leg (anterior tib, peroneals, top of the foot), 9 ) Bottom of Foot (Plantar Fascia + big toe), 10 ) Low Back, 11 ) Mid-Back (thoracic spine), 12 ) Neck, 13 ) Shoulder (anterior, lateral and posterior), 14 ) Upper Arm (biceps and triceps), 15 ) Elbow/Forearm/Wrist.

This series is upcoming and not yet live.

Strengthening Series

What: This series will be dedicated to helping you correct muscle imbalances and regain strength following injury. Wherever possible the exercise routines will offer at home or at the gym options to help fit with your current set up.

What you’ll need to get started: 1) gym membership for equipment examples or 2) stability ball, hand weights, resistance tubing for do-it-at home examples.

What you can expect in each installment: 1) pictures and detailed instructions targeting each muscle group in both a gym and at home setting and 2) options for exercise progression.

The order: 1) Calf (gastroc, soleus, post tib), 2) Posterior Thigh (hamstrings), 3) Posterior Hip (Glutes, Piriformis, External Rotators), 4) Lateral Hip (Glute Med, TFL, ITB), 5) Anterior Hip (Psoas, Iliacus, Sartorious, Pectineus), 6 ) Quads, 7 ) Adductors, 8 ) Anterior/Lateral lower leg (anterior tib, peroneals, top of the foot), 9 ) Bottom of Foot (Plantar Fascia + big toe), 10 ) Low Back, 11 ) Mid-Back (thoracic spine), 12 ) Neck, 13 ) Shoulder (anterior, lateral and posterior), 14 ) Upper Arm (biceps and triceps), 15 ) Elbow/Forearm/Wrist.

This series is upcoming and not yet live.

Step two:

Following the four informational series described above, Athletes Treating Athletes will shift it’s focus to specific injuries.

What you can expect: 1) Descriptions of possible diagnoses in each region discussed to date, 2) assistance in determining which health care profession can help you best in the form of “consultations” by our guests, and 3) how to apply the series above to your recovery.