Adductor Mobilization

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In this post I’m going to show you how to use a resistance band to mobilize the adductors where they insert into the groin, as well as, the hip itself. The goal with this mobilization is to anchor one end of the muscle down and then actively stretch out the rest of the muscle against it. You can read more about the why and how of these mobilization techniques here.

Key Points

1) Go back and read the massage post specifically on the hand itself to review the body landmarks and muscles in this region.

The key landmark you will need to know when working on the adductors is their upper insertion point on the pubic bone. To do so, start by locating your ASIS (the front part of your hip bone). If you recall from the earlier posts on the hip, start with your lands flat on the top of your hip bones. Then follow them forward towards your stomach. Where they flatten out and end are the ASIS. From here, the rest is easy. Follow the groin line (the crease between hip and thigh) down and towards your pubic bone. As you do so, move your leg in and out from mid-line. You will feel the large common tendon as you move your leg in. On the picture above, the purple X represents the pubic bone and the common adductor insertion point. For these mobilizations, you are going to want to position the band on that large tendon near the pubic bone.

2) To perform these mobilizations, you’re going to need a piece of resistance band/tubing and some floor space. There are two parts to this mobilization- one is a joint mobilization for the hip to loosen up the outside and the second is an active mobilization for the adductors. The basic idea is to apply pressure with the band at the top of the adductors and then perform the two mobilizations from here. Remember, only go as far as you can comfortably. You’re not trying to force the movement.  See the video below for full details and demonstration of the mobilizations.

3) Repeat for 10 reps.

4) Same warm up rules apply. Try to do this either following a workout or warm up the area with the foam roller first. Especially if you’re coming back from an injury or this is a problem area.


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